Transform Videos into Text

Fast Transcripts and Summaries for YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, and more

Note: Videos longer than 30 minutes are not supported at this time

Unlock the Power of Video Content

Our intuitive tool helps you extract valuable information from videos across popular platforms:

  • Download high-quality MP3 and MP4 files
  • Generate accurate text transcripts
  • Create concise video summaries

Get started in seconds - paste a URL, choose your action, and let our powerful tools do the rest!

See it in action: View demo transcript

Supported Platforms

Our tool supports a wide range of video platforms, including but not limited to:

  • YouTube
  • TikTok
  • Facebook
  • X
  • Pinterest

And many more!

The Video Content Boom: How AI is Making Videos More Accessible and Useful

Discover how AI is making video content more accessible and valuable. Learn how video-to-text conversion is revolutionizing digital information and why it matters for you.